Kukkiwon Black Belt Certification

Kukkiwon Certification Online
Kukkiwon Black Belt certification in Delhi9.1
Direct Taekwondo Black Belt Tests9.3
Online Dan Test Certification from Kukkiwon9.3
Kukkiwon Certification9.7
Online Black Belt Poom Test certification form Kukkiwon9.4
Know the best way to get Kukkiwon Dan/ Poom Black Belt9.2
Kukkiwon Black Belt Dan/ Poom Certification in Delhi, India provides you the facility of Genuine International Black Belt certification at low.
Reader Rating: (15 Rates)7.3

Kukkiwon certification online – WTF Dan Certificate is an official recognition given by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) to practitioners who have achieved a certain level of expertise and skill in the martial art of Taekwondo. “Dan” refers to the black belt ranks in Taekwondo, and earning a Dan certificate signifies a significant milestone in a practitioner’s journey. The higher the Dan level, the greater the proficiency and knowledge in Taekwondo.

To earn a Taekwondo WTF Dan Certificate, individuals must follow a structured path of training, discipline, and dedication. The process typically involves the following guidelines:

      Training for earning Kukkiwon certification online

  1. Join a Recognized Taekwondo Institute: Start by finding a reputable and certified Taekwondo Institute or club that is affiliated with the  Taekwondo Federation of India or World Taekwondo Federation. Ensure that the instructors are experienced and recognized by the governing body.
  2. Beginner Levels: Begin your journey at the white belt level and progress through various color belt levels (yellow, green, blue, red, etc.). Each color belt level requires mastering specific techniques and forms.
  3. Advanced Training: After achieving the rank of 1st-degree black belt (1st Dan), the journey towards higher Dan ranks begins. This includes rigorous training, both in physical techniques and mental discipline.
  4. Accumulate Experience: Along with regular training, accumulate the required years of experience between each Dan promotion. Typically, a minimum of two years between Dan ranks is required.
  5. Attend Seminars and Workshops: Participate in seminars, workshops, and competitions to enhance your skills, gain exposure to different training methodologies, and refine your techniques.
  6. Show Proficiency: Demonstrate competence in various aspects of Taekwondo, including forms (Poomsae), sparring (Kyorugi), self-defense, and breaking (Kyukpa).
  7. Pass the Dan Promotion Test: When you feel ready, apply for a Dan promotion test conducted by certified examiners. The test will evaluate your technical skills, knowledge of Taekwondo principles, and ability to apply them effectively.
  8. Embrace the Tenets of Taekwondo: Throughout your journey, embody the five tenets of Taekwondo – courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit.
  9. Continuous Improvement: Remember that the journey to mastery is never-ending. Even after obtaining higher Dan ranks, continue learning, training, and refining your skills.

         How to earn Kukkiwon certification online?

Earning a Taekwondo WTF Dan Certificate is a remarkable achievement that reflects not only your physical abilities           but also your mental fortitude and dedication to the art. It is a testament to your growth as a martial artist and a                   commitment to upholding the traditions and values of Taekwondo



  1. Manga alexandre 18 April, 2019 at 17:41 Reply

    Je viens aupres de vous solliciter ma deuxieme dan kukkiwon.je suis taekwondoiste camerounais.jai la 1ere dan.jai pas pu faire ma deuxieme dan dans mon pays .jetais absent.en surfant aujourdhui.je suis tombe sur votre noble site et je soolicite votre aide si vous pouvez mevaluer a travers mes videos.d’avance je vous remercie de votre attention.
    Beaucoup de respect a votre egard.
    Ci bas je donne mes cordonnes
    Vous pouvez verifier l’authenticite
    De mon kukiwon:
    Nom complet:manga alexandre
    Date de naissance:12|05|1981

    • ctaindia 23 June, 2020 at 05:22 Reply

      Dear reader,
      Sorry for late reply.
      If you want any query from us, please explain in the English.
      We are happy to help you any times.


    • ctaindia 5 April, 2020 at 01:13 Reply

      Thanks to contact with us.
      As you know, we are a Taekwondo Academy, named Challengers Taekwondo Academy is also known as CTAINDIA.
      We also conduct Taekwondo Dan/ Poom Black Belt test through Kukkiwon (World Taekwondo Federation (WTF)).
      But you should have at least minimum qualification in WTF style Taekwondo which you can download our website or call us to know that how to get Taekwondo Black Belt from Kukkiwon.
      Our charges of Kukkiwon Black Belt is minimum as compared to others because we are not a Black Belt factory and we want to build genuine Black Belt experts or practitioners.
      If You want to be a Taekwondo professional or want to continue your Game, please contact us on given numbers.
      We are happy to see you in our small Taekwondo family.

  2. Baris 16 September, 2020 at 03:44 Reply


    after 20 years of break i started again with Taeknwondo.
    But i lost every of my certificates. Now i would like to get my Black belt certification.

    Could you sell me one please.
    It is argend,

    Best Regards,

    • ctaindia 16 September, 2020 at 03:51 Reply

      Thanks to contacting us.Dear Mr. Baris
      Kukkiwon Taekwondo certificates cannot be bought as you said. It is the identity of a Taekwondo player. 
      If you have lost your entire records and don’t know anything about your certificate details like certificate number and other things.

      Firstly, I would like to suggest checking your personal credentials like full name, date of birth and country of birth, the following link, it will tell you about certificate details.

      But If you did not get your Kukkiwon certification from Kukkiwon and want to buy Kukkiwon certificate instead of money. Please remember one thing, CTAINDIA isn’t platform for selling black belt certificates. But if you are a genuine practitioner of Taekwondo, have been spent more than 2 years and want to get black belt then it’s a different matter and can be talked on that but you will have to prove your performance and experiences personally.

      With regards,
      CTAINDIA, New Delhi, India

  3. Ismail bin othman 27 September, 2020 at 03:56 Reply

    hai i am ismail from malaysian can i join you in online kukkiwon black belt test. can i apply skip dan. from 1st dan to 3 or 4 dan.

    • ctaindia 4 February, 2021 at 03:59 Reply

      Hi Mr. Ismail
      Thank for contacting us
      For any Kukkiwon related services, you will have to contact your country Federation.
      After the some amendments in Kukkiwon certification, only National Federation and or related authority of the same country can take decision.
      Keep look on the skip Black Belt tests in your country and apply for the same.

      Thanks to contacting us.

  4. Lakshay Goel 13 November, 2020 at 00:55 Reply

    I started playing Taekwondo in class 2 and have been practicing it even today. The only difference is that due to a school change I was only able to participate in tournaments until class 7, which makes it 6 years of tournaments. I have won numerous tournaments including opens, inter-schools, Delhi open for two consecutive years, district, CBSE, and many more. Unfortunately, our coach did not take us to any belt promotion test so I never got a chance to earn the Black belt. So I would be obliged if you could please inform me with all the requirements for getting the Kukkiwon Black Belt. I also have a TFI(associated to WTF) authorized ID card for taekwondo. An early reply would be highly appreciated.

    • ctaindia 4 February, 2021 at 03:08 Reply

      Thank you Mr. Lakshay Goel for contact us.
      We are sorry for late reply due some busy schedule.
      Firstly, Our Aim is to promote Taekwondo/ Martial Arts. It doesn’t matter that you have any color belt certificate or not, but your Game (Taekwondo) should be able to you a perfect player. We are not a Black factory but if you are eligible to get Black Belt in Taekwondo (WTF). We will provide you after testing your performance and eligibility.

      It is important to know that specially not only in India even all over the world, the big scam is identify to obtain Black Belt certificates and its grading. The institutes are charging hug amounts from the practitioners on basis of just providing Kukkiwon certificate.
      It is also true that a Taekwondo player are not eligible in the State, National and International competitions, if they don’t have Kukkiwon certificate. In the official competitions Kukkiwon certificates are mandatory, this type restrictions bring scams.

      We cannot change the system, just make its easy for experienced and eligible practitioners.

      But you and all should kept in mind that WTF/ Kukkiwon Black Belt is not a eligibility who makes you a perfect/ good player. There are 100 of the Black Belt holders, They don’t know even “T” in the Taekwondo.

      If you keep eligible to make a Taekwondo Black Belt (WTF), we can do that but your eligibility will be checked.

      For more information please call at 9953553391 between 12.00 PM – 18.00 PM

      Director – Vijay Pathak

  5. ctaindia 4 February, 2021 at 03:53 Reply

    Hello Sweta, Thank you for contacting Taekwondo Classes network
    Firstly noted down, please do not publish your personal information on public chat/ comment section/ book mark post it could highly dangerous for your personal.
    If you have lost you ID certificate, it’s not an issue and cannot need to reply for duplicate one.
    When you will be eligible for 2nd Dan, just apply for second Dan certificate.
    Automatically, Kukkiwon will send a 2nd Dan certificate.

    You must know one thing that Kukkiwon certificate number doesn’t change even more. therefore no need apply to apply for duplicate certificate.

    For more information please call or fill free at 9953553391, email- [email protected]

  6. Ali Rafiee 18 February, 2021 at 06:38 Reply

    Hi dear’s good morning
    I am contacting from spain and over here there is not a kukkiwon, only spain taekwondo federation which goes through the international olympic taekwondo federation,
    I am 5 dan and 54 year’s old, l started taekwondo in 1988 and l would like to know is there any possibility to apply and test for the same rank kukkiwon ?

    Kind regards

    • ctaindia 6 November, 2021 at 02:10 Reply

      We are sorry for late reply.
      We are a Taekwondo Institute under the aegis of state Taekwondo Association of Delhi (Delhi Taekwondo Association). We run our institute under the WTF pattern (World Taekwondo Feferation) since more than thirty years.
      Dear sir Mr. A. Rafiee
      spain taekwondo federation is a recognised federation from World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), International Olympic Committee (IOC). If you are a 5th Dan Black Belt then you must be a registered member of Kukkiwon for 5th Dan. Now you can check your black belt credentials online by using the web link https://www.kukkiwon.or.kr/english/new_examination/new_english/pop.jsp
      It is simple to check your 5th Dan by enter name and date of birth.

  7. Ali Rafiee 18 February, 2021 at 06:41 Reply

    Sorry, my las certificate of taekwondo it’s has been issued by the Spanish federation of korean martial arts
    Kind regards

    • ctaindia 6 November, 2021 at 01:55 Reply

      Hello !

      There is some basic requirements to appear for the Kukkiwon 1st Dan black belt test.
      You must have at-least Red-1/ Red Belt from a recognised/ affiliated Taekwondo Institute.
      After that you can apply for that. Remember that you should have knowledge of WTF style Taekwondo for appearing the test otherwise your black belt test may cancelled your detained for the several time.
      Before appearing the test you must have the basic knowledge of Taekwondo (WTF style for appearing Kukkiwon test).
      For further queries, you may call at 9953553391 or write to us @ [email protected]

    • ctaindia 6 November, 2021 at 01:35 Reply

      You required minimum two years from 2nd Dan to 3rd Dan.
      After that you would be eligible for the 3rd Dan Kukkiwon/ WTF test.

  8. Vishvesh Desai 11 May, 2022 at 01:18 Reply

    I started my Taekwondo journey in 4th Standard in Pune and practiced for 7 years reaching the Red-One level. I have my Certificates, Red One Belt as well as numerous certificates and medals from tournaments. This was under the Pune Taekwondo Association from 1988-1995. I was supposed to give my Black Belt exam but my teacher – Sahyun Luwang – had medical issues so we could not complete the same. I have been training all these years and now also have been practicing Mixed Martial Arts and Jiujitsu. I would like to get my Black Belt. How can I go about it? Thank you!

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