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Welcome to Taekwondo Classes/ Challengers Group

We wish to extend you a personal and warm welcome

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 Taekwondo Classes - Thank you for visiting our website. Interested in ALL ABOUT Challengers Group in New Delhi, India

We would like to take this opportunity to show you how we can provide the best instruction and highest quality training at affordable fees. Programs include Tae Kwon Do, Self Defense, Yoga, and Personal Training.  One of the finest Taekwondo Higher Education Institution in the India. This is the cradle where legendary dreams are conceived,

International and National raising stars train hard and pay the true price of success with pure sweat and 110% commitment and love for the sport. We don’t cut corners when it comes to quality and employ tools and state of the art technologies along with applied national science in coaching.   We do have an edge and play a key role in developing successful athletes by applying our unique methodology and philosophy to those who are committed to becoming champions in life. 

Therefore we invite you to join us in our quest for never ending improvement and commitment for excellence at Challengers Group. Challengers Group (CTAINDIA) offers  friendly and professional Taekwondo/ Martial Arts training services. You will receive world class martial arts training in the best facilities. You will experience benefits reaching far beyond your expectations. Our instructors are all World Tae Kwon Do Federation (WTF) certified black belts with years of experience working with children and adults of all ages. We have built our reputation on our commitment to providing quality instruction, which has earned us many loyal students.
Please take a moment to browse through our site to learn more about our school and how we can improve your life. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


Ever dreamed of working at a licensed Challengers Group? How about even running your own Taekwondo Classes in Delhi/ NCR? It is now possible! Through our instructor developmental course, you will be guided through being a partner and teacher of Challengers Group (CTAINDIA)! We are always looking for qualified and motivated Masters, Instructors and Staff who have what it takes to teach Taekwondo.

Are you ready to give 100% to each and every student?
Do you have a high energy level?
Enthusiastic, motivated, caring?
Living a Taekwondo life?
Crazy or lazy?

Steps in working for a Challengers Group:

Staff – This is where it all begins. As a staff of Challengers Group, you will learn how a class functions, all the components necessary to having a successful class, and how to teach a class. This is the first step in becoming a future instructor and manager of Challengers Group. Anybody can become a Challengers Group's staff, once they have the right attitude.

Assistant Instructor – As an assistant instructor of Challengers Group, you have a basic understanding of the class structure and are now ready to teach and work with students on a more individual level. You must be a Taekwondo black belt from Kukkiwon and fully understand the curriculum of the individual Taekwondo Classes and also understand the TFI (Taekwondo Federation of India) rules.

Instructor – As an instructor of Challengers Group, you have a clear understanding of the class structure.


When we talk about Taekwondo, we don't just talk about training, be it sports or martial Arts.
In fact, a lot of people say they know that in Taekwondo there is training. But what training does concrete talk about?

Taekwondo is a very complete modality in all aspects of human training. In addition to the obvious training at technical level that is abstained through the training of the techniques of the sport, there are other areas where Taekwondo is extremely useful to train the human being:

At the personality level     - It makes us safer and therefore more confident and                                                        determined in our decisions;

At the level of self-control - The knowledge of defense techniques allows us to remain calm in dangerous situations because we know that we will be able to defend ourselves if necessary;

At the level of self-love    -   It teaches us to like ourselves and to value our qualities;

At the level of humility     - Teaches us to understand what our defects are and how                                                   we can overcome them;

Much more could be said because the list of areas where Taekwondo can form us is long. However, one of the main areas of training that Taekwondo facilitates is the area of self-knowledge.

It is therefore based on this idea that I leave a "homework" for each of you: Look within your being, how Taekwondo contributed to your training, or how it can still contribute. 

Teaching you is a pleasure!

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