Taekwondo Player And Related achievements


Taekwondo Player – As everyone who has come across this post knows, Taekwondo is a Martial Art, and players associated with it must be proficient in the art according to their rank.

By “proficient,” I mean that a player should be skilled in all techniques and strategies of Taekwondo. Yes, it is possible for a player to be slightly stronger or weaker in certain areas, but it is certainly not acceptable for someone to be completely ignorant of the martial art and still reach the highest levels.

Taekwondo Player and Coach Achievements

Today, a Taekwondo player receives ample support from the Government of India, state governments, and private institutions to pursue their sport. However, if we speak honestly about the art of Taekwondo, it seems to have lagged behind in many ways.

There is little focus on the art itself today; most people are more concerned with “setting up their shop” than mastering the true essence of the sport.

If you are still reading this post, there is no doubt that you are connected to Taekwondo in some way. Perhaps you are evaluating yourself in relation to the points mentioned above and silently deciding what kind of coach or player you are.

Parents, too, are not exempt from this. In reality, it is they who often decide what their child should pursue.

What Do We Mean by “Setting Up a Shop” in Taekwondo?

Most young people enter Taekwondo with the intention of becoming great players. However, very few maintain this ambition, as the external pressures of personality and appearances often distract them. Instead of focusing on improving themselves, they get caught in the race to “polish a brass vessel with gold plating.”

By “polishing a brass vessel with gold plating,” I mean that these players focus on appearing impressive to others at any cost, often prioritizing the following achievements:

Their Taekwondo rank should increase every year, and by the time they reach 25, they should have attained at least a 5th Dan, regardless of whether they truly understand the fundamentals of Taekwondo.

They must participate in international competitions, no matter the cost or effort involved.

Attending international Taekwondo training sessions in other countries at regular intervals is seen as a shortcut to becoming a world-class player or coach without much effort.

Finally, participation in competitions has become a major focus. Taekwondo, unfortunately, seems to have lost its true essence in the chase for points and rankings. (We will discuss this in detail later.)

What is right or wrong may spark a debate, but one thing is certain: the true achievement of a Taekwondo player lies in the proper application of Taekwondo techniques, not in superficial accomplishments.

Watch a look an Olympic World Taekwondo Championship 2017 Muju Video and give remarks on it.


What is Wrong?

We are not just talking about Taekwondo Arts; learning the art of any sport requires a deep understanding of its techniques. If one cannot properly apply the art, what is the value of possessing such knowledge?

Many of us have participated in or witnessed Taekwondo competitions, but it is rare to see a player use their techniques correctly and persist until the end. Often, one of the players wins by taking shortcuts. However, using incorrect techniques will only hinder their growth as a player, pushing them away from becoming a true master of the sport.

To understand this better, let’s take an example: when we begin learning something, we have two choices: one that will truly make us proficient, and the other that seems right in the moment but ultimately is not. Even after a long time, the latter will remain ineffective because it lacks real technique; it is simply an adaptation to personal convenience, which is wrong.

Example: Typewriter and Cricket

Both of these are widely recognized and used. With detailed knowledge, you can type on a typewriter without looking at the keys. Similarly, in cricket, if you have mastered the correct techniques, you can face any type of ball effectively. On the other hand, without proper knowledge of the art, many people, such as those in cyber cafes or local areas, try to demonstrate an incomplete understanding.

The same applies to Taekwondo. Only those who fully acquire and demonstrate the art properly in competitions can become skilled players.

However, in competitions, players often focus more on winning than on demonstrating the true art of Taekwondo. It would not be wrong to say that in competitions, medals and selection are prioritized over the art itself. A player who wins by shortcuts will never demonstrate the true techniques in competition, and Taekwondo will become merely a means of showing off.

It is unimaginable that Taekwondo, a martial art with centuries of history, would be so ruthlessly misrepresented in India.

What Should Be?

Taekwondo competitions and championships should be a platform for a player to showcase the training and techniques they have learned. Only by demonstrating the correct application of these techniques should a player be declared the winner.

Rank System
The rank system should be based solely on the competition, where only the true mastery of techniques is recognized, and this should determine a player’s rank. There should be no monetary influence in raising ranks.

There is no doubt that the correct application of Taekwondo techniques is what will propel a player to higher levels, enabling them to use Taekwondo for self-defense or for the protection of others.

Incorrectly executed Taekwondo training will never bring success, not just today, but throughout a player’s life.

Most Taekwondo competitions should serve to refine players’ techniques and evaluate them, not simply increase their medal tally.

Only the proper use of Taekwondo techniques will lead players to victory.

Changing the Grade System
The grading system needs to be revamped. Grades should be awarded based solely on the correct use of techniques, determined by competition results, not by any external institutions.

The principle should be clear: no technique, no game.

A player should be recognized as an elite only if their competition performance demonstrates the correct application of techniques.

A Taekwondo player’s nervous system should be regularly tested on their home ground, where they are confronted with various challenges.

Participation in Taekwondo competitions should be based solely on a player’s ability to correctly use techniques and their competition level, without regard to their belt or grade.

How Should a Coach’s Training Be?

In Taekwondo, as in other sports, a coach holds a position equal to that of a parent. A coach must impart the complete art of Taekwondo to their students with sincerity and dedication.

Who is a Successful Taekwondo Coach?

This is a question that often arises: who can be considered a successful Taekwondo coach? Can a good player become a successful coach, or does it require a specific set of skills and assessments?

The answer is both yes and no.

A good player can indeed become a successful Taekwondo coach. Taekwondo is a complex martial art with many techniques, and it is essential for both players and coaches to have a deep understanding of them. Teaching Taekwondo with incomplete knowledge is not possible. A coach should know exactly what level of knowledge they can impart to their students. Incomplete knowledge will only lead students into an uncertain path.

Taekwondo mainly involves kicks and punches, which can be used to bring down an opponent effectively. If you have learned these techniques correctly, you can undoubtedly become a successful coach.

A successful Taekwondo coach is like a school teacher who helps students score the highest marks, not because of luck, but because they can present the subject matter effectively to their students.

It is not necessary that a successful player will automatically become a successful coach. There are several factors at play.

A successful player may struggle with communication, as their focus has always been on their own performance. In many cases, such a player may not be able to teach others effectively. A great player might excel in competitions, but they may fail when it comes to coaching others properly.

Is the Coach More Important than the Player?

The importance of the coach cannot be overstated. Players who wish to make Taekwondo their full-time or part-time career must understand training in depth from the beginning. They will face numerous challenges, and becoming a coach will bring about more challenges along the way.

A Taekwondo coach is crucial because they dedicate their life to teaching Taekwondo. They are respected within the Taekwondo family, and their success is reflected in the accomplishments of their students.

If you are a successful Taekwondo player, there is little chance you will be able to become a successful coach and achieve the same level of recognition as a coach in the future.

A successful Taekwondo coach is defined by the achievements of their students, which becomes the coach’s life’s work.

What Are the Benefits of Being a Taekwondo Player?

A successful Taekwondo player may receive the following benefits:

  • Free higher education opportunities.
  • Access to various government and non-government services.
  • Government jobs based on performance.
  • The government regularly implements schemes for Taekwondo players to support their careers.

We eagerly await your thoughts. Please share your comments in the section below so that we can further expand this platform for Taekwondo knowledge.



    • ctaindia 16 September, 2020 at 04:32 Reply

      आपका हमारे Taekwondo परिवार में स्वागत हैं, परन्तु इससे पहले, अच्छा हैं कि आप हमें दिए गए नंबर पर फ़ोन कर ले, जिससे कि हम आपको इससे सम्बंधित (requirements of admission) सभी जानकारियां दे सके.

      Taekwondo सिर्फ एक खेल मात्रा नहीं हैं, यह एक ऐसी कला हैं, जिसका उपयोग करने से किसी दूसरे को हानि हो सकती हैं, इसके अलावा आप इस कला से अपनी अथवा दुसरो की भी रक्षा कर सकते हैं. परन्तु हर उस प्रार्थी को admission देने से पहले हमें यह सुनिश्चित करना जरुरी हैं कि कही भविष्य में वह किसी को किसी प्रकार की हानि ना पंहुचा पाए.
      इसके अलावा, इस कला को सिखने के लिए शारीरिक रूप से पूर्ण स्वस्थ होना भी आवश्यक हैं, वर्ना भयंकर परिणामों का सामना करना पड़ सकता हैं.
      इसलिए दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करना अत्यंत आवश्यक हैं.

    • ctaindia 16 September, 2020 at 05:12 Reply

      Thanks for your query,
      Sorry, we are not open during the COVID-19 pandemic lock-down, the guidelines issued by Government of India.

      Taekwondo is a contacting sports and without touching each others, it is not possible to done practice. Corona-virus spreads by touching, air and other ways, because your life is an important to us therefore we do not do anything which could harm your health.
      It is better for you, stay at home to save your and your love-once important life.
      Our Taekwondo coaching is also available only, which is also called “Online Taekwondo Classes” but this coaching isn’t for beginners.
      For more updates please visit our subscriber bell icon.

    • ctaindia 16 September, 2020 at 05:29 Reply

      Dear Ms. Yukta,
      We are an institute for teaching Taekwondo and other martial arts like self-defense for female/ teenagers at all levels for those are interesting to learn schematic the art of Taekwondo. Taekwondo is not just art of kick and foot combination, it’s a arts of fighting science and discipline.
      Little know about us
      We are as a challengers Taekwondo Academy also know CTAINDIA and Challengers Group started in 1998 in Delhi after separation from a biggest Taekwondo Academy Kukkiwon India Taekwondo Training Institute (KITTI).
      After that we didn’t see back rise day by day. Our instructors and key persons are sitting on the top like

      Colleges sports (Experts of Taekwondo and WUSU) examiner at Delhi Universities top colleges.
      Our most of key persons have an experience to train Delhi Police Commandos and some are at the top level in India for Taekwondo promotions officially.

      Our most of key person have/ had been authorised as a General secretary, secretary, joint secretary, vice president and president etc. for Delhi Taekwondo Association (DTA), Taewondo Federation of India (TFI).
      We can say that CTAINDIA is a mile stone of Taekwondo.
      For more information you can visit our website https://www.delhitaekwondo.org

    • ctaindia 9 May, 2022 at 01:23 Reply

      Thank you to reaching us
      We are happy to answer your valuable questions.
      Please keep attach with us.


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