Taekwondo- State Referee seminar and Black Belt Test 2019

Last Date of submission
Don’t get missed chance to partcipate in this mega event.
State Referee Seminar 2019 for Back Belts and Color Beltson Date 3 & 4 August 2019.
Delhi Taekwondo Association (R), is going to organise STATE REFEREE SEMINAR FOR BLACK BELTS AND ALSO FOR COLOR BELTS.
Black Belt test 2019 organised by Delhi Taekwondo Association
Venue: RZ-58/A, 1st Floor, Gali No. 8 (Near Pratibha Kanya Vidhyalaya No. 1), Tuglakabad extension, Kalkaji, New Dehi-110019
Reserve your seat NOW
The competition/ seminar is for limited periods and there is fix number of participants, don’t wait to missed this opportunity and get chance to participate this mega event. For more information –
Call Now
at +91-9717669549
1st Dan/ Poom
Rs. 3800/-Those want to get his/ her Black Belt in Taekwondo from Kukkwion through Taekwondo Federation of India can apply for this test. National Taekwondo membership is including in it. Applicant should be a Red-1 from State Taekwondo body of TFI.
2nd Dan/ Poom
Rs. 5000/-Applicants those want to get 2nd Dan/ Poom Black Belt can apply for the test as per eligibility of WTF & TFI.
3rd Dan/ Poom
Rs. 7000/-Those applicant want to promote their up gradation in Taekwondo may apply for the said grade as per instruction of DTA/ TFI.
4th Dan Black Belt
Rs. 8500/-Those person want to be a master instructor in Taekwondo and already having 3rd Dan and eligible duration may apply to promote his/ her grade.